Tag Archives: cell phones

Idea 35: Navigation System for the Blind


The problem is one of equality and the degree in which technology is used to create better living standards for anybody equally. When talking about the blind, it is sometimes shocking to see how many times they don’t receive the help they need when trying to get around in public. Thus, although we might not be able to change people to be more considerate in helping the blind,we might be able to use technology to help the blind help themselves.


Navigation systems for cell phones are becoming more and more detailed, concise and standardized. Thus, the next step in their evolution could be used to increase the detail of information available even further. One way of doing so is to adapt new information from the perspective of the blind; including audio information on the location of traffic lights based on geo-location could be one example, as well as proposing routes that are considered the “safest” depending on the chosen location. Combined with the Siri technology found in iPhones, a navigation system could be developed that is easy to use and adds value to more people through expanding its funcitionality based on existing technologies.


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Idea 26: Global Treasure Hunt App


Treasure hunts, hidden path ways, discovering secrets, solving clues and following Indiana Jones trying to find the Holy Grail; not everybody got excited about that when they were children, but many did – and probably still do today. It might be human nature to “discover.” However, there are not many ways to actually satisfy this lingering need, once one gets older, is there?


As technology allows people to be more connected than ever, the idea would be to take advantage of this global contentedness and create an idea around an international treasure hunt by means of a cell phone app and and an online community. Secrets would have to be invented, a real treasure would have to be hidden and teams would have to be formed that together would solve the mystery of the hidden treasure. The treasure could come in form of money or other luxury goods that people will find worth to be called a treasure. Apps could be sold for a certain fee, advertising sold, hotels and travel agencies involved…. However, in the end the goal of the idea would be to create an international community of treasure hunters that gets a chance to become modern Indiana Jones´on the hunt for a treasure of gold -> who knows, maybe they would even do a reality TV series out of this.

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