Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

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January 18, 2015 · 9:30 pm

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January 11, 2015 · 9:02 pm

Idea 49: Smart Street Lights


Advertising space – something that multinational companies as well as political parties pay millions for; especially in metropolitan cities worldwide.


Street lights are already being used by, usually individuals but also political parties for their campaigns, as an easy “advertising space.” However, combing this “habit” of using street lights as an advertising space with the technology of  HD curved screens and mobile internet, one could leverage this already existing space to the maximum by including these technologies into the actual street light, thus creating a 2.0 version of the street lights we know today. These screens could also  be touch sensitive as to permit people to interact with the messages they are being shown. These screens could be powered by the same power line that powers the actual street light, and be distributed around the city to obtain maximum coverage of a particular message. Another usage, other than advertising, would be the overall spread of a generally important message, such as earthquake warnings or other things that could harm the population of a city equally.

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Idea 48: Sound Emails


Emails in the work place – enough said. They are always there, you can never truly catch up to them , and many people give you good advice, such as “The most successful people don’t check email first thing in the morning.”However, maybe the problem is not the emails themselves, but the act of having to respond to them in a written format and the time that this action takes based on trying to write a clear message that cannot be misinterpreted by the other side based on the missing “tone of voice” which is often forcefully added to one´s personal interpretation of what the sender of the message was “really” trying to say.


Whatsapp and other messaging apps already are using it – voice messages. Simple, quick and to the point. Thus, developing a secure software that could be build into your email provider that allows you to respond via voice or via the written word might add value when trying to solve the problems of efficient “responding to emails.” Especially when talking about internal company communication between coworkers, a voice messaging service might save some time, as the nature of these messages usually involves a question about certain processes and a “standard” answer.

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January 8, 2015 · 10:18 pm

Idea 47: eBay from another Side


Single households oftentimes cannot take advantage of “bulk buying” and thus the advantages of companies that are focusing on economies of scale. Especially when talking about more expensive items, such as solar panels, single households, although understanding the benefits of such products, do not have the purchasing power and capital that is required  to reap the benefits of such technologies.


Thinking about the power of technology to bring people together through creating online communities, and combining this power with the advantages of webpages such as eBay, a solution to the previously mentioned problem could focus on the creation of an online platform that offers single households the space to “gather” around a certain product with the goal to create a higher order of single units of that particular product.  In the end, the trick is that this community of consumers would put up their order, lets say 5000 solar panels distributed in Germany, for auction to further reduce the price for a single unit based on transparent competition among the companies that are part of the auction. Payment methods and other aspects need to be taken into consideration and still thought about, but the idea is to give more purchasing power to single households through the benefits of bulk buying and transparent competition among businesses based on an elevated purchases of the same product units.


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Idea 46: Translation through Comparision


Let it be Chinese, Japanese, English, German, Russian or Spanish – translating can be a time-consuming activity, especially when the alphabets are different and one does not have a dictionary at hand.


When considering that any word, any sentence or any phrase can be defined as a “symbol,” one might be able to create a system that translates through comparing “symbols” with a given database. For example: the sentence “I like to play tennis” is not “4 english words including a “subject” and “predicate” etc but a symbol/picture  consisting of lines and dots. It would work like “face recognition” but with words and allow instant translation using a smart phone.

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Idea 45: 3D Busts


Photos, letters, videos, and pictures are often the common ways to capture memories and preserve them over the years. In the past, one more “tool” was used – statues and busts. Mainly used by the upper class, royals and aristocractes, statues and busts were a symbol of power and an attampt to prepare one’s likeness for eternity. Today, statues and busts are still rarely used as, although living standards have increased, the number of people with the abilty to produce them decreased, which conseqeuntly resulted in an increase in prices.


Thinking about pet owners for example, statues and busts might offer a way to help their minds to keep their favorite animal “alive” due to the physical characteristics that speak directly to one of the five senses – touch. To make this possible and affortable, the idea is to use 3D printers or lasers that would work based on 3D models of somebody’s favorite pet and hand in hand with materials such as glass/krystal and different types of plastic.

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Idea 43: Social Impact Rating


With great power comes great responsiblity. However, often times many companies only talk about corporate social responsiblity when the profit and loss statement allows for it or once they have figured out that the CSR wagon is one they have to jump on, as it is the trendy thing to do.


An objective rating body that analyzes the CSR focus and doings of a company in a transparent way might be a step into the right direction. Just like universities are rated in accordance to their perceived quality, companies could be rated on their social impact in the world or small communities. Besides the actual process behind rating the companies, reaching critical awareness about these rating among customers of these companies is vital to the perceived importance of the rating by the companies.


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Idea 42: Road Trip


Often times staying in touch with your friends is a problem. Once the years go by, friends move away and often times the tool to stay in touch is Facebook.


The idea would be to create a Facebook compatible app that creates a uses google maps to create a road trip with the friends that you would like visit based on the current city they are living in.  On that road the app could propose hotels and other attractions to make this “road trip” one to remember forever. The app could suggest friends that are “on the way” or offer complete flexibility in terms of deciding what friends and routes one prefers.

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