Tag Archives: online shopping

Idea 39: Augmented SunGlasses


Sunglasses have returned as a fashion accessory that increasingly is valued by men and women equally. As the demand for this product is becoming greater and greater, so is the variety of brands and unique designs. Online retailers are exploding in numbers, and thus, might be looking for a way to differentiate themselves through an unconventional online shopping experience.


What works for watches, could also possibly work for sunglasses. Augmented reality although not yet generally applied could be used to enhance the online shopping experience of sunglasses. Although HD pictures can already showcase the qualities of the actual product, being able to “interact” with the product might further lead to a buy action. In addition augmented reality would substitute the mirror that one always finds at a physical sunglasses stand, as the visual connection between “head+glass” appears to be the deciding factor in the buy decision.

Reference: http://www.vizworld.com/2010/02/youtube-nooka-augmented-reality-accessorizer/#sthash.PBlYJMT9.dpbs

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Idea 34: Shopping 3.0


Due to the advances of the internet, many companies have to rethink the way in which they conduct business. An industry that might be one of the most heavily influenced ones is the fashion industry. Although e-commerce offers a latitude of new ways regarding the question of how a company can interact with its customers, one of the problems that lingers in the background is the decreasing number of customers that actually visit a store physically.


Although physical stores might be something of the past in the near future, fashion stores could still use the advantages of e-commerce to enhance the physical shopping experience by making it more efficient and thus extend their own lives in a world that moves slowly towards a digital revolution. As we live in a society in which “time” has become a scarce resource. people might appreciate efforts that will help them to make the most out of it. Hence, fashion stores could create a system that would allow their customers to “book” the cloths they are interested in online, for a specific date and time during which they would be able to try them on physically in the store. This way, people would be able to brows through varieties of different cloths online and still enjoy the value of shopping in a physical way while saving time.  In addition, customers could be able to add certain comments to their “booking” such as “looking for suitable accessories” or “the specific occasion the cloths are for” to make the shopping experience an even more tailored/individualized and personal one. To close the loop and thus go one step further, stores could take the actual “measures” of their customers once they are in the store to assure the most personalized shopping experience possible made available for the mass market.

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