Tag Archives: the elderly

Idea 8: Adopt a Grandparent


Not everybody gets married, not everybody finds its soul recognition in another; and if so, many times no children are born out of this relationship, and many times one soul leaves the earth earlier than the other. Many of the elderly are alone in the later years of their lives; and many of them would love to still have someone to care for and that cares about them.


On the one hand we have those who long for a family, and on the other we have those who long for a grandparent or somebody to talk to that has more life experience than oneself. “Adopt” a grandparent would allow for this match to happen by being an intermediary between two distinct stakeholders that both look for the same thing – a family and a friend that they would not be able to meet otherwise; somebody that listens that cares and that takes the time to truly get to know oneself. And even if a match doesn’t happen, the community behind this “service” might bring “like-minded” individuals together and relieve them from the feeling of being alone.



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